Summary: Regulatory Oversight Report on the Use of Nuclear Substances in Canada: 2023
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The Regulatory Oversight Report on the Use of Nuclear Substances in Canada: 2023 (ROR) provides information on licensee use of nuclear substances in the medical, industrial, academic and research, and commercial sectors.
Based on their assessment of licensee performance results for 2023, CNSC staff continue to conclude that nuclear substances in Canada are used safely. This conclusion is based on an analysis of the indicators covered in this report – inspection compliance ratings, enforcement actions, doses to workers, and event reports.
In response to a direction from the Commission after the November 2023 presentation of the Regulatory Oversight Report on the Use of Nuclear Substances in Canada: 2022, CNSC staff have incorporated additional information in the ROR, outlining the compliance efforts, additional outreach, and communication activities undertaken to address some of the compliance issues noted in the radiation protection safety and control area in the medical sector. In addition, in the record of decision on the review of the designated officer order dated March 21, 2023, the Commission directed CNSC staff to provide an update on the status of Mississauga Metals & Alloys Inc. as part of this ROR.
Responsiveness and transparency are key elements of the CNSC’s commitment to building trust as the nuclear regulator. CNSC staff contacted all intervenors from the 2022 ROR individually to respond to their comments directly and in more detail than during the Commission proceeding in November 2023. In response to interventions related to the way the data is presented, CNSC staff considered the suggestions and incorporated them where possible in the 2023 report.
Based on licensee performance in 2023, CNSC staff can confirm the following:
- The use of nuclear substances and prescribed equipment in Canada remains safe and secure. “Unacceptable” ratings were issued in only 0.9% of inspections, and the associated non-compliances were corrected in a timely manner.
- Effective doses to workers remain low. No nuclear energy workers (NEWs) or non-NEWs received a dose above regulatory limits.
- Escalated enforcement actions, such as orders or administrative monetary penalties, were issued when deemed necessary to ensure safety and security.
- Events are reported and corrective actions are implemented when required. More than 98% of reported events were considered to be of no safety significance based on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale; no events were rated at higher than 1 on that scale.
- Engagement and outreach are key to openness and transparency.
Overall, in 2023, licensees made adequate provision to protect health, safety, security and the environment with respect to the use of nuclear substances and prescribed equipment, and took the measures required to implement Canada’s international obligations and commitments.
For the full report, please visit the Open Government Portal.
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